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This page contains submitted testimonials related to the potential development of the open space in Princeville, Kauai HI, by the private investment firm, Starwood Capital Group. The page will be updated as additional testimonials are made available.

If you would like to submit your testimonial, please email your statement or a PDF to contact@soshui.org.

Click on each person's name to view their testimonial.

10/15/23 - Barbara Levin & Dave Zacarias
Concerns about PHCA BoD's Questionable Actions
10/15/23 - Shelly Paialii
Concerns about PHCA BoD's respect for their fiduciary duties
10/7/23 - Joe & Gail Locati
We hope you will stand with us to prevent Isaiah Francis, an Employee of Starwood Capital Group – the developer aspiring to develop Princeville's open spaces - from attaining a seat on the board. Please VOTE!
10/7/23 - Rob Pollock
Objection to Board Nominees, Deadlines and Nominating Committee Issues - Pollock email to PHCA Board
10/3/23 - Tom & Lorri Mull
Unresolved process and legal issues surround the 2023 PHCA Board Election. Noncompliance with PHCA Bylaws and timely qualification of candidate Francis may challenge its validity.
9/26/23 - Janet Ramatici
I am writing to express my concerns regarding the apparent inconsistent application of rules used to accept/deny applications for the election to fill PHCA board positions.
9/25/23 - Robert Pollock
Objections to 2023 Princeville at Hanalei Community Association Board member nominees.
9/25/23 - Tom Mull
My concerns regarding the vetting of qualifications of certain candidates for the upcoming 2023 PHCA Board election.
9/25/23 - Carolyn Padgett
I’m very concerned about the candidates up for 2023 election to the PHCA Board of Directors.
3/14/22 - Michael Cole
An Existential Threat to the Quality of Life in Princeville - Waimaumau, a “Hawai‘ian Village” tourist attraction with all that comes with such a development.
11/27/21 - Andy White
Open to watch a short video of Andy's oral testimony at the Nov. 3rd, 2021 Kauai County Counsel's public hearing on Bill 2838.
9/10/21 - Andy & Fran White
We are writing in support of Bill 2822 which the Planning Commission will be reviewing for the second time on September 14, 2021. We strongly believe that commercial developed campgrounds should NOT be allowed on Open-zoned land and for that matter, should be tightly controlled going forward no matter what zoning area might be selected for their development.
7/10/21 - SOSHui.org
This is a letter penned by SOSHui.org to the Planning Commission prior to the 7/13/21 public hearing on Bill 2822. If Bill 2822 is passed, it would restrict Developed Campgrounds to Resort and Commercial-zoned properties and not allow them on zoned Open Space.
7/10/21 - Duncan Forgey
Aloha Kaua`i Planning Commission, I recognize the importance of the decision regarding Starwood Capital Group. Its expansion of the 1 Hotel into a second resort of fifty glamping units on the Woods Golf Course holes 1-3 is concerning. I studied the issue and attended presentations by the developer.
7/5/21 - Andy & Fran White
Bill 2822 makes important changes to the definitions of “Developed Campgrounds” and “undeveloped campgrounds” under Section 8 of the CZO relating to transient accommodations. We strongly believe that commercial Developed Campgrounds should NOT be allowed on Open or Residential-zoned land and should only be allowed on land zoned for commercial or resort use.
6/17/21 - Daniel Ersoy
I am a homeowner in Princeville and wanted to share my strong feelings on the Glamping proposal to tarnish our cherished community. We left the mainland and moved our family of five here and have fully embraced the island and community. We are humbled and blessed to be here.
6/14/21 - Anne Thurston
I have been very concerned by the proposal to introduce glamping to Princeville; my concerns were greatly increased by Jason Cruce’s sales pitch to the community at the Makai Club on June 10th. His talk only fanned the flames of community opposition.
6/14/21 - Shelly and Goddard Paialii
This project was not meant to be. The area was not structured to have this additional housing when it was built and the infrastructure was not put in place to support it. Why are we being asked to allow a developer who purchased the property knowing what it was and what it was used for to allow them to change the allowed use of the property for them to be able to get more money?
4/15/21 - Monica Farrell
I am writing in regards to Bill 2822 that has passed the first reading at the County Council. This bill, if adopted into the current CZO, would preserve our community character and peace and safety for generations to come as it has for the past 50 years.
2/6/21 - VOICES: Maka‘i Golf Club’s 50th birthday may be its last
By Mary Paterson, Other Voices | Friday, January 29, 2021, 12:05 a.m.
12/15/20 - Andy & Fran White
You are Princeville’s first line of defense against ANY developer taking away ANY green space in our planned community. We count on you to represent all of the community. Please don’t support this or any other developer’s effort to remove this open space and change forever the flavor and beauty of Princeville.
12/11/20 - Leilani Legaspi
Bill 2044 was a Bill for an Ordinance to amend Open District Designations on Zoning Map ZM-PR700 at Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii, sponsored by Ron Kouchi and unanimously passed by the Council on December 19, 2002...
12/11/20 - Robert and Kristine Cocke
When we purchased our home, it was never disclosed to us about any future possible changes of the Makai Golf course or available development possibilities. The open space and view were the reasons for that location. We have lived here for over 40 years...
12/11/20 - Susan Giuliano
I wish to express my concerns about the Starwood Expansion. I believe the reason the SCG has chosen the Woods greens #1,2 & 3 to expand their “rooms” is because their next phase will be to try...
12/8/20 - Mary Paterson
This is an Open Letter to the Princeville Community written by Princeville resident Mary Paterson in response to questions concerning the PHCA Survey.
11/2/20 - Susan Humphrey-Barnett
We urge the Princeville Board to oppose this project outright. The Board should not be negotiating mitigation strategies to make “glamping” more palatable...
10/29/20 - Bob Fried
As an owner in Princeville for the last 16 years and as one who has a residence along the Woods golf course, I am vehemently opposed to converting ANY of the Woods golf course to this Glamping proposal...
10/22/20 - Amy Marvin
The proposed Glamping project is very disturbing. As a north shore realtor since 1986, I am so angry that this possibility was never revealed to any of my buyers...
10/21/20 - Sherri and Robert Daniels
We are very concerned about the proposal for “glamping” in Princeville. Princeville was developed as a neighborhood for families and while vacation rentals have changed the original concept - it is still a neighborhood...
10/20/20 - Patrick Maiani
Glamping is a soft word for Hotel or motel - resort to be built on open space reserved for Princeville residents homes views. All planned communities are required to have open space. Princeville is no exception no matter how you spin it...
10/20/20 - Su and Peter Faklis
The Glamping resorts I am familiar with are in remote or wilderness areas not in peoples backyards! This is outrageous!...
10/20/20 - Richard and Fradelle Teixeira
Glamping in P.V. should not be allowed. It is not fair to the homeowners. Can’t believe that the golf course can enforce all of their ridiculous rules to P.V. home owners and not even reciprocate in a neighborly fashion with decisions that effect our community...
10/19/20 - Jack Forrest
Princeville is a mature community, fully built out except for a few vacant lots scattered throughout the area. Development of open land such as a golf course is an existential threat to both Princeville 1 and Princeville 2, including Kaiulani...
10/19/20 - Bill Schilling
“If it shifts around like a rat, rummages like a rat, deceives like a rat why then it is rat!” Simply put, 1Hotel’s maneuvering is more akin to a community taker than that of a true community trustee...
10/19/20 - Linda Breitstone
I am opposed to the glamping proposal! With all of the hotels and Airbnb’s in Princeville, I put my life in danger each day as I attempt to cross Ka Haku Road without getting run over by tourists in a hurry...
10/17/20 - Deborah Pate
The proposal by the Starwood Capital Group for developing 3 holes of the Makai Golf Course is a terrible idea...
10/16/20 - Dorothy and Richard Perry
I am astounded that this is a serious proposal. This development would negatively affect the entire Princeville community and set a precedent that endangers many other green areas...
10/14/20 - Fern Merle-Jones
My husband and I have lived on Kaua’i for 42 years. In that time, we have seen major changes in all areas of life. However, the idea of introducing Glamping to Princeville is one terrible idea...
10/10/20 - Terry and Sonja Passalacqua
Princeville is a unique place with unparalleled beauty and history shows there will always be people who see -not beauty, but crass opportunism...
9/25/20 - Mary Paterson
I would like to go on record as being very concerned about the proposed glamping development on the Woods Course. An additional 50 unplanned units will add to density, noise, traffic and more ...
9/23/20 - Dr. Rohit Mehta
I am VIGOROUSLY OPPOSED to the proposed Glamping project. By way of background, I was the GM of PHCA from 2000 to 2010. I am providing my testimony not only as a homeowner in Princeville...
9/23/20 - Lorri and Tom Mull
We would like to go on record in advance of the PHCA town hall meeting on September 26, 2020 to urge the PHCA to exercise their representative and fiduciary responsibilities to oppose the proposed “glamping project” ...