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Send An Email

This page helps you create and send an email using your own email application to one or more recipients using a pre-defined template shown below. Following the steps will place the template into your own email application from which you can edit as needed before you send it as you normally send emails. NOTE: This web site does not send the email, you have complete control over it.

9/5/21 - Email Template for the 9/14/21 Planning Commission expressing your support for Bill 2822.
In support of Bill 2822, you can either write your own email or use this email template and send it to the Kauai County Planning Commission before Monday 9/13/21 in preparation for their scheduled 9/14/21 open hearing on Bill 2822. The following is the email that was sent to members of the SOS Hui mailing list.
Aloha Open Space Supporters!

Mahalo nui loa to everyone for all the hard work fighting resort expansion/ development on our precious Open Space. We have won a few battles, but the war is not over; developers’ assault on Kaua‘i’s Open Space continues.

On September 14, 2021, Bill 2822 which was deferred at the July meeting, comes up again before the Planning Commission. The bill would prevent commercial developed campgrounds on Open Zoned Space but would allow these campgrounds on Resort and Commercial Zoned Space.

If you called in to the previous meeting (July 13th) and spoke in favor of the bill, and/or sent an email, please weigh in again with the Planning Commission to pass Bill 2822 and help protect Kaua‘i’s Open Space. Every voice matters!

What can you do?

1) Please call in to the Planning Commission meeting on 9/14/21 (the meeting starts at 8:30am) and speak out. Let them know it’s important to you to pass this bill at the September meeting. We understand that several applications for commercial developed campgrounds have been submitted to the Planning Department in anticipation of the passage of Bill 2822. Further delays or deferrals will allow developers to avoid its restrictions by resubmitting their development plans prior to the enactment of the bill. Oral testimony is typically taken at the beginning of the meeting. Access the meeting and participate.

2) Please write/email the Kaua‘i County Council and the Planning Commission to express your support for Bill 2822. Click for a sample email template which you can personalize and send in.

3) Please share this message with all who value Open Space on Kaua‘i and want to protect it!

Mahalo Nui Loa for your ongoing support and for all you do!
Bill 2822 Protects Kaua‘i Open Space!

Open Space is vitally important to every resident of Kaua‘i.We must protect Open Space for the quality of life on our island, both now and for generations to come. Voice your support of Bill 2822 to the Planning Commission to preserve our environment, the beauty of the island, and to reduce the negative impacts of unrestricted tourism.

WHAT IT DOES: Bill 2822 prohibits “commercial Developed Campgrounds” on Open, Agriculture, and/or Residential zoned property; it allows commercial Developed Campgrounds on Resort or Commercial-zoned properties. Non-commercial camping would not be affected, and perhaps Agricultural zoned development should be evaluated separately.

HOW IT WORKS: The bill clearly defines the terms “developed campgrounds” and “undeveloped campgrounds” in Chapter 8, Section 8-1.5, Kaua‘i County Code 1987, and clarifies where these campgrounds are permitted.It basically closes a loophole in commercial transient accommodation uses in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (“CZO”).

HOW IT HAPPENED: Bill 2822, introduced by Council members Mason Chock and Luke Evslin, was unanimously passed by the Kaua‘i County Council on first reading at its April 8, 2021 regular meeting and referred to the Planning Commission for review.

Email or write your comments & testimony to the Planning Commission outlining why you feel it's so important for Kauai to keep its existing zoned Open & Agricultural space, open. We have created an email template you can use.

Because Bill 2822 is written to encompass all of Kaua‘i, we recommend positioning your open space arguments with that in mind rather than just talking about open space within Princeville.

Email: planningdepartment@kauai.gov.
Write: Planning Commission c/o County Kaua‘i Planning Department,
4444 Rice Street, Suite A473 Līhu‘e, HI 96766
Phone: (808) 241-4050;Fax: (808) 241-6699

Email: counciltestimony@kauai.gov.
Write: County of Kauaʻi
Office of the County Clerk
Council Services Division
4396 Rice Street, Suite 209
Līhuʻe, Hawaiʻi 96766

Attend the Planning Commission’s online meeting on Sept. 14, 2021, at 8:30 a.m. and give oral testimony or simply listen in.

Dial into: Microsoft Teams Audio: +1-469-848-0234, Conference ID: 889 153 263# to hear testimony and comments from all interested persons regarding Bill 2822.


(Follow the 4 steps and you'll send the email from your own email application)
You can modify the "TO:" list once the template is placed in your email application.

You can change the subject line once the template is placed in your email application.

Edit any text enclosed in "@@@@" as appropriate, remembering to delete the "@@@@'s". You can edit it again once it's been placed in your email application.

[ Shrink | Grow ] template editing area.


NOTE: If you are unable to use the button that places the template text into your device's default eMail application, you can simply copy the text and paste it into your eMail program.